Common Mistakes in English Speaking

Stop making silly and common mistakes in English! This article will provide you with the mistakes you commonly make in your sentences and communication with their corrections as well! So you won’t get baffled finding where you made mistakes and you will easily be able to identify your mistakes and correct them! These will be given to you in the book of flashcards that we have mentioned below! On top of that, they are free and you can easily print them out and have a fun learning time or can also have a quiz anytime anywhere by carrying these handy flashcards!

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Learn Common Mistakes in English-Speaking

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Common Mistakes In English - 1Don’t say:

You can’t set a foot in the house.


You can’t set foot in the house.

Common Mistakes In English - 2

Don’t say:

There is no place in the hall.


There is no room in the hall.

Common Mistakes In English - 3

Don’t say:

There is no place in the hall.


There is no room in the hall.

Common Mistakes In English - 4

Don’t say:

I have a good news for you.


I have good news for you.

Common Mistakes In English - 5

Don’t say:

Why don’t you stay more time here?


Why don’t you stay a little longer?

Common Mistakes In English - 6

Don’t say:

You did a request for some water.


You made a request for some water.

Common Mistakes In English - 7

Don’t say:

Tell me why did you do that?


Tell me why you did that.

Common Mistakes In English - 8

Don’t say:

They study in the England.


They study in England.

Common Mistakes In English - 9

Don’t say:

The pink is my favourite colour.


Pink is my favourite colour.

Common Mistakes In English - 10

Don’t say:

I need hundred dollars.


I need a hundred dollars.

Common Mistakes In English - 11

Don’t say:

Please persuade him don’t do that.


Please persuade him not to do that.

Common Mistakes In English (12)Don’t say:

Don’t step in the grass.


Keep off the grass.

Common Mistakes In English - 13

Don’t say:

Would you like to drink?


Would you like something to drink?

Common Mistakes In English - 14

Don’t say:

I forgot my hat in the house.


I left my hat in the house.

Common Mistakes In English - 15

Don’t say:

I felt good mood today.


I am in a good mood today.

Common Mistakes In English - 16

Don’t say:

It is still light outside.


It is still bright outside.

Common Mistakes In English - 17

Don’t say:

I get my salary twice a month.


I get paid twice a month.

Common Mistakes In English - 18

Don’t say:

He made a world record.


He set a world record.

Common Mistakes In English - 19

Don’t say:

I’ve got many homeworks for this week.


I’ve got a lot of homework for this week.

Common Mistakes In English - 20

Don’t say:

I like orange.


I like oranges.

Common Mistakes In English - 21

Don’t say:

I saw a dream last night.


I had a dream last night.

Common Mistakes In English - 22

Don’t say:

I came to office by walk.


I came to office on foot.

Common Mistakes In English - 23

Don’t say:

My birthday is on October.


My birthday is in October.

Common Mistakes In English - 24

Don’t say:

He has white hairs.


He has white hair.

Common Mistakes In English - 25

Don’t say:

I prefer coffee to tea.


I prefer coffee to tea.

Common Mistakes In English - 26

Don’t say:

What is time in your watch?


What is time by your watch?

Common Mistakes In English - 27

Don’t say:

I need to go to home.


I need to go home.

Common Mistakes In English - 28

Don’t say:

Blunder mistake



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