As kids begin to learn numbers it is important for them to understand the concept of less and more as well, in order to build a strong foundation. Kids learn the most when they focus and what better way to keep kids focused than with colourful worksheets.

So, let’s get started!

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More & Less Worksheets for Kindergarten


The worksheet shows six different panels with various commonly found items. Let’s take a look at the first panel. There are four apples but three are on one side and there is one on the opposite side. The task is to circle the greater number of apples.

The worksheet shows many common things that kids are familiar with. This helps kids associate things around them with what they’re learning.

The kids to count the number of items in each panel out loud as they solve the worksheet. This will help them recall something they’ve already learnt.

Make sure to circle less number of items in each group in this worksheet. As the kids count the number of items, they will also develop the concept of equal numbers.

Counting can be confusing if kids do not practice enough in the early stages. With bright balloons and shining stars , kids can learn concepts easily!

By completing these worksheets, kids will have a much better understanding of the concept of more or less.

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